viernes, 26 de abril de 2019

A TV programme

Hi everyone!

Im going to write about a TV programme I watched as child and that I still see on YouTube. The show is called 31 minutos. It's a show about puppets that represent ironic imitations of chilean television programs and famous celebrities of the jet set. Obviously, when I was a child I didn't understand completely the references, but the songs and the journalistic notes I liked a lot. One that I remember and its make me laugh a lot is the note about the Comando Pro Liberacion De Los Compañeros Peluches (CPLLDLCP) they are a guerrilla faction who are trying to save puppets trapped in a claw crane. The TV programme ran from 2003 until 2005 and a new season started in 2014. I enjoyed it a lot for his songs, such as Bailen Sin Censar, Rin Raja, Me cortaron mal el pelo or Diente Blanco, no te vayas to name a few. The green notes by Juan Carlos Bodoque made me want to study geography.

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