lunes, 10 de junio de 2019

A walk you would like to do again


Today im going to write about the walk I did in the national park Fray Jorge.

The national park Fray Jorge lies approximately 30 km to the west of Ovalle in the Coquimbo Region. It lies in the Cordillera de Talinay, which is part of the Coastal Range. On the south, the park is bordered by the Limarí River.

The park covers an area of 100 km², but the forests cover only 4% of its surface. The national park is known for having the Valdivian temperate rain forests. The Camanchaca (coastal fogs) hangs on the mountain-slopes and moistens subtropical vegetation, allowing the hydrophilic forests to survive despite being surrounded by semiarid zone with average annual rainfall of approximately 100 mm. Is a relic forest, survivor of the last glacial period.

When I was 9 or 10 years old I did this walk for first time, and I repeated it when I was 17, but only by the authorized trails. The first time, I went to a site called "Solón" is a site was isn't open to public, so I went with a group of biologists and a forestkeeper, was amazing. I saw very big trees typical of the Valdivian forest in Coquimbo Region! like Canelos, Olivillos, Arrayanes, also I saw Copihues. I enjoyed it a lot, the walk up the Coastal Range it was beautiful. Obviously I would love to go back and climb to the "Solón" again to see the beautiful landscape and the Camanchaca hugging the mountains.

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