viernes, 16 de agosto de 2019

A Beach


The truth is that I don't go to the beach very often, despite I'm from Coquimbo. It isn't that I dont like the beach, but always when I have time to go to my house it is usually on holidays, when the beaches are infested with tourists, and to continue seeing the face of "santiaguinos" I prefer stay at my house. When I go I try to go in winter or very early in the morning to avoid people. I don't usually bathe in the sea, I prefer to look for things on the seashore, I call them treasures, anything can be: a strange shell, bird feathers, claws or shells of crabs, rocks, whatever you imagine. Something that I like to do is also go to the urban wetlands that are located on the coasts of the beaches of Coquimbo and La Serena, the Culebrón Wetland in Changa Beach and the wetland of the mouth of the Elqui River, at the north of the La Serena lighthouse. It is a very intersting walk, many birds can be observed.

1 comentario:

  1. I love Elqui River though the water was freezing! Coquimbo is beautiful
