miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2019

Hello classmates

Today I will write about the Shiny cowbird (Molothrus bonariensis) this bird is very particular, it has relatively recently colonised Chile his arrival in the country is uncertain. One hyphotesis is that they arrived from Argentina as a pet and escaped from captivity. 

Like most other cowbirds, it is an obligate brood parasite, laying its eggs in the nest of many other bird species, obviously it is very dangerous for native birds because they are displaced and their population is reduced. 

Another feature of these birds is that they have sexual dimorphism, the female is gray with brown tones and the male is completely black with iridescent purple-blue goss. It is very common to confuse it with the Austral blackbird (Curaeus curaeus) but this one is bigger and its vocalization is very different. Both can be observed in San Borja Park!

Shiny cowbird (male)
Shiny cowbird (female)

How to differentiate Shiny cowbird and Austral blackbird

Parasitized species by Shiny cowbird in Chile

2 comentarios:

  1. One of my favourite Chilean birds. I also like the band: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnE3cRL2R80

    1. Nice band Simon! I really like the peruvian chicha, one of my favourite bands of this genre is Los Destellos
